A Motto I try to live by. In other words, Live your life like nobody's watching (besides the "One" that is always watching, and no I am not referencing Santa Clause). Make the most of your days.. Things I like to do and always want to make time for in my commitment to my future husband... Showing my feelings to Justin, Let him know he is appreciated, always let him know I'm so so attracted to his outside appearance, as well as that inner goodness! Send those sweet texts. Write those notes. Send that ballin' pair of Nike Running Shoes he wanted in store, but didn't get, and surprise him when he is 2 1/2 hours away. You know, those types of things. Keep the fire sparked, and the love on lock. Giving is a big BIG part of a relationship, and yes I may be young spittin this type o wisdom, but I know this from experience. Being selfish in a relationship, and life in general, will continually bite you in the rear. Straight talk. The best things that have occured in my life, have come with patience, some tough criticism of my own self, learning to put others before my self, and a little help from Joel Osteen never hurt anybody. Just sayin. So, basically, all of this ramblies is the equivalent to Always stay positive, Know that you gave your best, did your best, and embark upon any and all life's adventures with a good to great attitude to conquer. God is a necessity, not an option.
I will say some of this could spur from the people that constantly have a negative attitude towards the idea of marriage, and cause my nightmares at night, where I'm at home with 5 kids crying and screaming, and constantly calling my Husband's phone with no reply! Ahhhhhh, Wake up. Whew. But anyways, engaged jitters I suppose. This coming from the "career" girl. The goal oriented, would be a missionary traveling the world before I expected to see myself getting married to the Man of My Dreams, and bearing his children. But here we are. And I could not be happier. So, Justin Hare (a faithful follower of Hoppin with the Hares), just to let you know in advance, you sir, have changed my life completely. Turned me upside down, and back around to a life I never thought possible for this ole girl. You complete my heart, make me want to strive for providing a life for one another and our future little Hares. You're an amazing, AMAZING man, I need you for now, and want you for always. I always will do my best to impress you with my cookies, and cakes, and late night bakes. Always want you to notice my new dress, or that extra highlight I added to my do (just for you). And I in-turn will always look forward to your phone calls, telling me all the details of your rigorous day, have a date-night, where I'll pay (occasionaly), and tell you how great you look after a 3 mile run/hike on any given day. In summary, I want our marriage to reflect who we are as people, and Over the TOP is how it's gonna be Justin Hare! (are you reeeady?) xoxox
Bloggers keep your pants on. Next week I will have updates on dresses!
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