Monday, August 27, 2012

Smack, You're married!

So, March 2012 was the last post I participated in on my blog hog. I am so behind, would be an understatement. Here it is, August (almost September) and I am just now back at it. Let me just say, I started this blog to document my wedding process, and as it turns out, that is completely what I have skimmed over. Interestingly enough, I think I will pick up in the here and now, and not graze over the then and there. Needless to say, my wedding was everything I wanted it to be. I laughed, I most certainly cried, and memories are forever in my heart, and seared into my soul. Now, it's time for real life to settle in, and married life to commence. We now live in Lexington, KY and Justin stays busy as a beetle at the UK Hospital. Who stays at home and is the housewifey that could?? This girl! I have to say, housewife a la mode is pretty tasty stuff. I know what you're thinking, no kids? how can you stand it? Oh, me stands it alright. I stay busy with loads and loads of dirty clothes, home-cooked meals, and lots of random crafts and activities of my choosing. It's quite the adventure. And sometimes throughout the week, I look around at my newly settled home, mature decor, and "Mama raised me right" cleaning abilities, and it hits me, SMACK, You're married. How crazy and wonderful. It's funny how your life unfolds all throughout the many choices and haze of days that seem to pass so quickly, and all of a sudden, it's all so surreal. Here I am, an adult. Ballin!! lol. Change is inevitable, and that's alright with me, but one thing's for certain. My goal is to live life to the fullest without interruption from people who don't have the same ambitions. "If you're not over the top, then you're under the bottom." ~Me. ***and a special thanks to "Canny" for encouraging me to blog again***

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