Alright, let's talk about the subject I avoid typically at all Justin and I have been married now for a year, and that starts making Mom's, Dad's, and In-laws a little edgy it seems. "Well, when will be a good time?" "How old will you be then?" or "What will you do if you have twins?!?" My stomach tightens and twists even as I type. It doesn't help that I have 2 friends trying to get preggers, 2 other close friends who are pregnant (one 7 months, one about 2 months and my mouth is sealed), and my other BFF will be married this year, and then she will be on the baby radar (babydar?) as well. I can't even commit to a dog. Anywho, I recently attended a social gathering, where all the women spent the evening discussing nipple scabs, raw bloated boobies, vaginal tearing and stitches, hours and hours of labor, birth plans gone awry, blah blah blah blah.... I sat quietly. Does anyone remember what they talked about before their baby ripped their bodies to shreds? Anyone? Yikes. I can't imagine not having anything else to talk about besides, that. Thanks for prolonging the process Gals! haha... Anyways, my simple opinion is this, I don't know yet. I haven't made up my mind. And I know that Justin would be an amazing father/Dad/provider/coach/disciplinarian/example, you know, all that, but I am yet to have the urge to strap into a marsupial sling and have my placenta in the freezer. I give props to all you Ladies that are rockin' it out and raisin' ya babies. I may or may not see you on the other side. We'll see what I blog when that day comes.
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