Strangest thing, I started writing this blog a week ago, and since then, Justin and I have found out that we will be going to (drumroll please) LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, thus giving us the opportunity to house shop. The first weekend there, I thought we had found our dream home, and were ready to make an offer that day, and 2 hours earlier, someone else had the exact same idea. Back at square one, devastated, and heartbroke, (yes I got very attached quickly), we had to start looking again. And once you see the house you want, nothing compares. Now, pulling up this blog after that experience, it was refreshing to see "Patience is a Virtue", I wrote that? haha. But it truly is, it is time to take a deep breathe in, realize that it was a blessing for Justin to even match at the University of Kentucky, and know that that in itself was an answered prayer of yes! I am looking forward to looking at more houses and know that another opportunity will open itself to us. Just gotta be ready for it! So much to be thankful for! XOXOX

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