As for wedding news, pinterest and etsy are taking over my every spare moment! I must say, it's super addictive.
Justin is currently in ATL, GA. He will soon be close to Cooke-vegas again we hope! We're getting a taste of long-distance and it's super lame and I have a new found respect for those that do it! But he is still sweet as eva. I like that he says those unexpected sweet things without being prompted or kicked under the dinner table. Major props to a wonderful thoughtful man that you are! (ALL THAT)
I'd like to send a shout out to my buddy SHAUZY! He likes it when I blog. This is a picture of him planking the shredder at work.
So, next week I am doing a Halloween sleepover with my nieces, and we're painting pumpkins, making caramel apples, and telling ghost stories. They love their Aunt Gigi~!
That was one of my New Year's Resolutions was to be a better Auntie. I'd say I've done pretty good on that promise. Speaking of New Year's Resolutions, I need to review that list fully. I hope I have accomplished everything, if not, I now have 2 1/2 months to do so, wish me lucketh.
See you foxy bloggers again soon!

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