How crazy is my life right now. So, Absolute Fitness has officially taken over my old gym and I am so stoked about it! Group Fitness Manager is my title and Group Fit is on the rise, and we are launching new classes next month. I am also the spokes-lady for the radio ads we are doing, so listen up to
Magic 98.5 starting next week!
As for wedding news,
pinterest and
etsy are taking over my every spare moment! I must say, it's super addictive.
Justin is currently in ATL, GA. He will soon be close to Cooke-vegas again we hope! We're getting a taste of long-distance and it's super lame and I have a new found respect for those that do it! But he is still sweet as eva. I like that he says those unexpected sweet things without being prompted or kicked under the dinner table. Major props to a wonderful thoughtful man that you are! (ALL THAT)
I'd like to send a shout out to my buddy SHAUZY! He likes it when I blog. This is a picture of him planking the shredder at work.

So, next week I am doing a Halloween sleepover with my nieces, and we're painting pumpkins, making caramel apples, and telling ghost stories. They love their Aunt Gigi~!
That was one of my New Year's Resolutions was to be a better Auntie. I'd say I've done pretty good on that promise. Speaking of New Year's Resolutions, I need to review that list fully. I hope I have accomplished everything, if not, I now have 2 1/2 months to do so, wish me lucketh.
See you foxy bloggers again soon!