So, how about this for making sense...The more steps you take to spend the rest of your life with someone, does it take time away from one another now! How does that work! My weekend has involved wedding options, wedding decisions this, wedding decor that, and how much did I even see my future hubby-to-be, very very little! What can ya do!... Let's ponder on that for a uno momento... Couples Massage! YAY. This weekend is so gonna be the opposite of last, SWITCH IT, CHANGE IT, RE-ARRANGE IT, as I like to say! Being pro-active is the peanut butter to my nanner! Gotta love it.
In conclusion, My weekend was super uber great, and productive. Venue. Check. Date and Time. Check, Check. Quality time spent with Mom and future-to-be's-Mom. Check. And now massage scheduled for my Mister. Done and Done. See you next week.
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