Sunday, September 4, 2011

~Wedding Wonderland~

Journey to being a bride. Oh boy. Let me tell ya. When you hear the words "Wedding Wonderland" I personally thought, awh, all my problemos solved. It's a wonderland for heaven's sake. Boy was I wrong. It was a white snowy bliss alright, and as I tried on beautiful gown after beautiful gown, I slowly was sinking back into utter wedding confusion along with sticker shock! Sure enough, I am still without a dress, and still on the fence of which one is THE one. Sheesh.

Anyways, so next month is HALLOWEEN! I'm so stoked. It's my favorite holiday, after my Birthday of course. But I already am scheming up the perfect couples costume for me and the soon to be.

Justin's parentals house flooded the other day, and it was one of the craziest things I have ever saw...

Oh yeah, and my sweet lil niece asked me to drive her in the Baxter parade this past Saturday! What an honor to escort the Putnam County Little Miss Beauty Queen!

P.S. Last week my sweet fi brought me breakfast in bed. Can you say "She's gonna marry that boy somedayyyyyy" :)