Monday, June 9, 2014

I'm Younique, Are you?

Don't change your blog channel just yet, hear me out here. So, I know it's pretty common to be an at home wife, with a part time job in Make-up sales, however, I really know a good thing when I see it... Stay with me...

I constantly had pictures flooding my newsfeed on Facebook and was like, here we go again, the usual slew of posts setting you up for high expectations and unrealistic product promises. I really had to sit back and watch... and then I did some research, and saw, this company is barely 2 years old, and has grown exponentially (Read this) ...

I am sold, and I am very aware of the skeptics, I usually am one, but this is really a great opportunity. So, let me be half sales-lady, half-human for a second and just say that I really do believe in this product as a person, and as a business opportunity, I see growth and expansion and a really fun product to talk to your friends about. Just sayin', give it a fair shot first...

Here's my link...

Go look around, and there is a 14 Day Money Back guarantee on the Mascara, and all the products, so really you have nothing to lose besides a few dollars in shipping, and let's just be honest, we've all done a lot more irresponsible things with $29 +tax than buy longer looking lashes for 8-12 weeks. hahah, Cheers Friends.

Brighten up Buttercup...

Today I had decided I wanted some flowers in the house, but I do NOT have an eye for things like that... However, I put this little flower power together, and it indeed brightened up my Monday... So I'm calling this My Monday Bouquet. I recommend you try it the next time you are feeling the Monday blues, try pinks :) 

Happy Blogging,

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's been awhile...

It's time to get back on track...

Like  I say everytime I abandon my bloggery. 

I've been so enthralled in my fitness and new-found-business that I have all but forgotten to update the Hoppiness!

So vacation #1 of the Summer has came and gone... We went to St. Augustine, FL for the second year in a row and it was beautiful, full of good food, and covered in sunny goodness.

I attempted a yoga pose each day on the beach because I was getting tired of standing in front of the ocean in my swimsuit and just smiling. Simple as that. haha. Yoga is about the only thing I don't add to my fitness routine on the regular, so it was a bit challenging for these tight muscles, but somehow I hit a few of these...

Enough of all that though. I hope you visit somewhere awesome this Summer. 

The Hare's

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Contest Entry!

Hola Bloggers. I entered a contest online for my favorite rings to workout in, SafeRingz. They are a rubber wedding band that are versatile and comfortable to wear whether you are lifting weights, doing crossfit, boxing, or anything that can ding-up and scratch your real wedding band. They are cheap to buy, come in a variety of colors, and I have worn mine so many times for so many activities. Justin and I both love them, and so here is my "commercial" I entered to SafeRingz, and here's hoping that I win! #fingerscrossed

If you watch, Please "like" it or "thumbs up" on YouTube so I get votes! #appreciateit

Buenos Suerte!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

TOP 3 OF 2013!!!

Around this time last year I posted a top 3 moments of 2012. And let me just say, last year was a big year for me, getting married and skydiving are tough contenders. So this year I've had a harder time putting together such a list. But that isn't going to stop this post from happening! 2013 has been a big year of transition, growth, and patience. Transitioning from small town life in a place I knew, people I knew, having a huge support system within a ten minute drive, to a city of strangers, streets I don't know, and a solid 4 hour drive to "the house that built me". So, like with every challenge, comes opportunity not too far behind. This year Justin and I both have people here that we can honestly call friends, places we have made and shared many memories at, and a home that we find solace in. Our marriage has grown, our hearts have been opened, and thankfully our bank account has started to see an upswing vs the usual downturn. (laughs) This brings me to my patience portion of 2013. I have a strong appreciation for people who work everyday, especially doing something that they don't love. When I first came to Lexington, I had hoped to snag a job in an office setting and climb a corporate ladder of sorts, but those hopes were slowly dashed as resume after resume submissions, went without an interview. The impatient person that I am, I wanted to jump in to something ASAP. I have been teaching fitness classes since 2009, and I absolutely LOVE it. I didn't know where I would teach when I first moved here, but started out at the biggest gym in Lexington! It started as a 4-6 classes a week job, and I am blessed now to be teaching 14-16 classes a week at four different gyms throughout the area, and I am filled with excitement each and every day when I get to share this energy. So, I am feeling euphoric as I write this post, and summing up some of my favorite opportunities of 2013!!

Model for a Night

Our BFF Bridal Shoot

Going 165+mph
Honorable Mentions
 Going from Blondie to Brunette...
                                                                                                                                                       And trying New Things....  
Cheers Everyone!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just doin' life together.

November, you sneaky little bee. I can't believe we are already getting ready to carve our 2013 turkey's and soon begin the rat race of Christmas present purchasing and gather around the well lit tree, just before we welcome yet another year of life (Lord willing) aka 2014. How exciting! I mean it. Waves of time well spent with my husband recently, has drawn me more and more to the conclusion that I love loving him. For example, my Justin went to JesusProm at our local church on Friday night. (JesusProm is a dance hosted for the mentally and physically disabled community here in Lexington.) He continually warms my heart, the way he does life. I'm so very blessed to be married to such a selfless soul. As life carries us through the seasons together, I am grateful to be the one doing life with Justin B. Hare.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yard Gnomes

Update worthy! Justin has officially began his second year of residency, and his schedule has gotten so much better already. The first year here in Lexington has flown by of course, and I feel like we have settled in quite nicely. Our summer has been full of friends, cookouts, pool parties, and strawber-rita's! Just this week, we gave in to our horrible yard keeping skills, and hired a gardener to navigate us through the many random plants we currently have growing. I wish I had the patience and passion for such a hobby, the "ladybug lawn care" lady makes it sound so lovely, "you could have an herb garden here, and the sun hits here, so you can plant this, and let's add something here.." Hmmm, I like mulch, no weeds, and things not to look dead, thanks. Maybe I missed that gene somewhere seeing as my Granny always had big beautiful rose bushes, tomato plants, several apple trees, a few rows of corn, and kept bird houses, hummingbird feeders, and fed every stray cat in the neighborhood. She had a mini circus on her front porch as the birds would dart in and out of there. Anyhow, I don't think that's how our yard/back patio space will shape up to be, so for now, we have an old windchime and a hammock. I'm enthusiastically ok with that. Have a great July 11th everyone.