I constantly had pictures flooding my newsfeed on Facebook and was like, here we go again, the usual slew of posts setting you up for high expectations and unrealistic product promises. I really had to sit back and watch... and then I did some research, and saw, this company is barely 2 years old, and has grown exponentially (Read this) ...
I am sold, and I am very aware of the skeptics, I usually am one, but this is really a great opportunity. So, let me be half sales-lady, half-human for a second and just say that I really do believe in this product as a person, and as a business opportunity, I see growth and expansion and a really fun product to talk to your friends about. Just sayin', give it a fair shot first...
Here's my link... https://www.youniqueproducts.com/JanaHare/business
Go look around, and there is a 14 Day Money Back guarantee on the Mascara, and all the products, so really you have nothing to lose besides a few dollars in shipping, and let's just be honest, we've all done a lot more irresponsible things with $29 +tax than buy longer looking lashes for 8-12 weeks. hahah, Cheers Friends.